Safety and Security for Fieldwork Research
9-10 June 2021
Lecturers/Trainers: Rodrigo Mena, Prof Dorothea Hilhorst, Linda Johnson
Location: In-person if possible (location tba), if not online
Tuition (non-residential): Members: free; non-members 400 euros (online 200 euros)
ECTs: 1.5
Description: When conducting field-based research or fieldwork, researchers often operate within complex and dynamic social and political contexts, and derive their data from that environment. Both the quality of research and the security of the researcher are a function of how well-planned the research is, taking into account the local context and the risk environment.
This course is designed to assist researchers in conducting their research in hazardous, remote or complex environments as safely and securely as possible, both for those working within their home country, or as foreigners. It aims to improve personal security and awareness and security planning skills when conducting field research.
The course is equivalent to 1.5 ECTs of course work towards those required for a PhD degree.
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