Advanced Ontology Course

You can register for the course through this form.

Date: 6 November to 11 December 2024 (one lecture every Wednesday for six weeks: 14:00-16:00)

Location: International Institute of Social Studies (ISS), The Hague

ECs: 4

Tuition: 500 euros for members, 650 euros for non-members

Course leaders: Dr. Karim Knio and invited trainers

Course description: This is an advanced course which examines on one hand the intersection between the ontological debate on dispositions and necessitarianism with the literatures on complex systems and time on the other. Accordingly, the first section of the course will introduce the ontological debate and analyse it from various dimensions and standpoints. The second section will situate this ontological debate within contemporary thinking on complex systems and time. Finally, the third section will invite participants to locate their own research topics and methods within these debates.

Register for the course through the form linked here.