
CERES offers research training to PhD researchers working in the field of Development Studies or in related social science fields. It is principally intended for PhDs from member institutions in the Netherlands and Belgium, although the activities are also open to others who wish to participate.ย Participants are generally very international in background, making for extremely diverse groups, which contributes to the uniqueness of the CERES programme. Yet despite the diversity of participants โ€“ both geographic and disciplinary โ€“ participants share the characteristic of being social scientists working from a development perspective.

The CERES PhD Training Course is the centrepiece of this offering and is held annually from March to June. It is aimed at first year PhDsย who are working on their research proposals. It is also open to Research Masters students who wish to experience this stage of doing research.ย 

Starting in the 2020-21 academic year, CERES is also offering a series of new courses to suit the changing needs and demands of its PhD participants. These include:

A series of thematic courses adapted to research in Development Studies (one so far confirmed on Ontology and Epistemology, another on Security during Fieldwork, and several more in planning);

A post-fieldwork module, similar to the modules of the PhD Training Course but designed for PhDs in the later stage of their degrees.ย 

A full programme for the 2020-21 academic year will be announced in September 2020.

These activities are intended to complement, not substitute, the specific research training provided byย various university graduate schools in the Netherlands. The strength of the CERES offering is that it is adapted to the needs and interests of researchers working on development-related topics, typically in the Global South, whereas graduate schools in the Netherlands are typically oriented towards research in Europe or in the Global North.ย ย 

Similarly, teachers/facilitators on the various CERES activities are not meant to assume the role of PhD supervisors, but rather to supplement supervision with useful and supportive, independent and third-party perspectives on the research journey, and assisting in making the PhD period a successful one for participants. The cohort of peers is an especially valuable component of this, as part of building a mutually-supportive community that extends beyond one’s own university or institute.ย 

For more information,ย contact us.