2. Survey Methods and Data Collection
You can register for the October edition of the course through this form.
November 2023:
6 November from 11:00-13:00 and 14:00-16:00
7 November from 14:00-16:00
8 November from 11:00-13:00 and 14:00-16:00
Teacher : Prof Dr Arjun Bedi
Location: In-person at the International Institute of Social Studies (ISS, The Hague)
Tuition: free for members; 250 euros for non-members
ECs: 2.5
This course responds to the increasing demand for primary (micro-) data collection. Typically, courses on statistics and econometrics focus on estimation and model specification and do not pay much attention to issues such as how the data used for the analysis have been collected, and/or the quality (coverage, accuracy) of the data. This course is designed to deal with such blind spots and addresses three main issues: 1) survey design and sampling strategies and implications of the survey design for data analysis; 2) sample size and power calculations; 3) dealing with non-response and measurement error. The course is practice-oriented and will rely on numerous examples to illustrate key ideas and approaches to data collection and discuss implementation issues such as questionnaire design and different methods of data collection (online, face to-face).
Even if you are not interested in collecting your own data but plan to use secondary data, the course will encourage you to interrogate the features of the data set and to evaluate how the data were collected and the consequences of the data collection strategy for your analysis.
Although quantitative in orientation, it is also open to students interested in conducting qualitative surveys given that many of the principles apply and help to improve survey quality.
Register for the course through theย form linked here.ย