Associated courses
Besides the traditional offering of CERES courses, this year one of CERES member institutions – the Institute of Development Policy (IOB) at the University of Antwerp – is offering free access to a limited number of CERES member PhDs for six of their courses. These are advanced MA courses that are also intended for PhD students at IOB, with specific assessment procedures for PhD students.
The courses offer general content in the form of lectures and (mainly) self-study of theoretical and empirical literature, relevant to the research agenda of the IOB Research Lines and the studentโs own doctoral research project. The lectures coincide with the Master Modules at IOB. The first three courses start in the second half of January 2023. The last three courses start towards the end of March 2023 (precise dates will be confirmed in November-December 2022).
In the doctoral version of these courses, assessment will be based on an academic paper of a topic of choice (relevant for your doctoral research), including review of relevant theoretical literature, in the range of 10.000-15.000 words.
The six courses are:
IOB1. Globalisation and Development
IOB2. Governance for Development
IOB3. Evaluating Development Effectiveness
IOB4. From Violent Conflict to Peace and State Reconstruction
IOB5. Local Institutions and Poverty Reduction
IOB6. National Institutions, Poverty Reduction Strategies & Aid
More information about these associated courses can be found on pages 14-17 of our 2022-2023 brochure.